Lockdown Recipe : The Only Chicken Nugget Recipe You'll Ever Need!

9:40 AM

 Lockdown's Recipe (for my own and everyone's reference): 

1. Chicken Nuggets for kids

My son instantly flock into digging this delicious chicken nuggets

I share this chicken nugget recipe on Instagram and it is a hit! I thought I shall share here too, to benefit everyone not knowing what to cook next (cooking ideas especially during this Lockdown. Gotta make the kiddos happy!)


Prep time = 5mins, cook time = 35 mins (30 mins steaming, 5mins frying)

Ingredients :
A - 350~400g Chicken fillets/cube to pieces
B - 1/2 cut Onions (I use Holland's)
C - vegetables of choice (carrots,broccoli etc)
D - 2 eggs (I use C size)
E - 2 tbsp corn flour
F - salt and white pepper
(use salt the same amount you'd do your omellete)

Steps : 
1. Combine ingredients (A) to (F), blend dry (without additional water).
2. Pour the mixture into a greased pan (I pour cooking oil and spread around pan)
3. Steam the mixture (30 minutes) or until cook (turn white, this depends on your mixture pan size and thickness of mixture)
4. Once cooled, cut to shapes (I use Seff's PLAYDOH cutter LOL)
Note : At this point, it already tastes delicious tbh!
5. Prepare batter (I use 1 spoon Tepung Bistari + 5 spoon Corn Flour + water)
6. Dip the nuggets into batter and fly (medium heat), until light brown (inside is already cook, no worries!)
7. Ready to serve!

The results is as below, dense, flavourful, nutricious (because you got protein+veges combined) nugget you'll never gonna repurchase store-bought ones!

Homecook is the best!

But this boy is not a picky eater!

If anyone has tried this for their picky eater, please let me know how it turn out! Does a picky eater like it? 

Until next post, with more recipes!

Tag : resepi chicken nugget, resepi nuget ayam sedap gila, resepi nuget malaysia, resepi viral nugget, resepi nugget paling sedap

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