
A Day at Riverine Splash Water Theme Park, Amverton Cove Golf & Island Resort, Selangor, Malaysia

6:34 PM

Last 2 weeks or so, we decided to go to someplace less crowded and new (those we are yet to visit) for a quality family time. We discovered this place through a friend and family who visited earlier - Riverine Splash Water Park which recently opened in December 2021.

Ample parking space, we parked super close to this main entrance/gate (this exact photo spot). FYI, if you're staying at their hotel, this water park is only next to the hotel (no need further car drive)

The entrance ticket price are =
RM 58 / adult
RM 38 / child

which is cheaper (compared to Sunway Lagoon, etc) but the place is small. I love Ipoh's Lost World of Tambun more (size & ticket price comparison)

Anyway I rated this place to be 3/5 because :

(+) Pros :
- Newly opened, facilities are in tip top condition
- Staffs are super friendly! One guy saw me with a float and easily offered to have it inflate
- Seats are everywhere, we certainly have NO PROBLEM getting new seats from 1 area to another

(-) Cons :
- Food is blergh, I fancy none even though I bought most of the things there : Nasi Goreng, Fried Chicken, Mozarella Corn Dog, etc. Luckily the beverages are all the usual Milo tins, etc. Those I have no complaint at all lah, heheh
- The day of our visit, all lockers are under maintenance so we have to dump all belongings at our seat. But nothing bad happened! Everyone is friendly and good people
- I suspect the water is super chlorinated because my eyes (contact lense) cannot touch the water and turned super red. Euseff went home with red eyes too (but resolved after an eye drop prescription)

Anyway, a day well spent and please enjoy below photos!

 One happy baby!

Menus at their Cafe (Carey's Shack) 

We didn't lie about the ample seats, right?

The view to seats VS. The view from our seat (close to play area, easy to spot your child!)

Food is blerghhh, but ok-lah, we still live to this day LOL

Until next post!

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