Euseff's 2nd Birthday : TWO Wild!

12:32 AM

I promised my Husband, that this year's birthday could be a small celebration, because we already went big with Euseff's Aqiqah

but I still booked last year's indoor playgroud / event space because we were truly happy with it. Refer : Euseff's First Birthday

Note : I kinda broke the initial promise to do it small, right? But here is the thing, a devoted wife shall not break a promise, hehehe

However, towards the last minute, we have to cancel the booking because Husband was admitted to the hospital and post-discharge, my Husband is given a week-long medical leave. So he stayed with me the entire week, at our home away from the initial venue

And initially our last year's baker wasn't available to make yet another fantastic custom/fondant cake to match the Safari theme, but searching for another one at our house area was tiring, with many being unavailable (mind you, we need a fondant cake)

So that was it, a little drama going on but we did it! We made a small celebration for Seff, and here goes, Happy, Happy Birthday, our rising star, Euseff! 

You are magic, and mommy and babah love you very much!

The Decor

To match with the safari theme, I bought a 1m x 1m (since our backdrop stand only measures 2m width) artificial grass carpet and match it with gold letter balloon. And that's all, all other items were recycle from previous events hehehe

The Cake

Since there is no fondant cake available, we went to buy a ready-made cake from Baskin Robbin : Refer their Website for more

The Event / Space (Home)

Because my Husband needs more rest post-op, we agreed with a small celebration with our family and neighbours next door. We believe we do not have enough capacity to entertain each and everyone (if many were invited) so we apologized for this (no invitation given)

The invitation that reaches nobody

Now comes another question, will I plan for another Birthday party for Seff? But honestly, my schedule started to go hectic again, and Husband is probably leaves for Taiwan sooner than he initially planned, so January will be busy for both of us, so, we'll see

Until next post!

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