Please watch video below : Source : Youtube I've shared this on my FB page last year. Yeah, the millenial debt. Such strong message I'd like to discuss. During this MCO, some rich celebrities and influencer/so-called entrepeneur in Malaysia, has decided to reveal themselves to the World, let the nation knows what their heart is made of.. Why easily triggered? Because the economic...
Malaysia's Movement Control Order (MCO) / Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) as announced by our Prime Minister YAB Tan Sri Dato' Hj. Muhyiddin bin Hj. Mohd Yassin, giving the earlier 2-weeks duration (18/03/2020-31/03/2020) an extension (18/03/2020-14/04/2020) Since graduated from higher education in 2012 (convocation in November 2012), this is the first time that both of us got to experience National Lockdown, and working from...
I was pregnant, and happy, not knowing I will deliver earlier than I should (Due in May, gave birth in March 2016). Still, loving it that we shared the same birthday month. I am in awe that I am starting a new journey for myself : motherhood. I was pumping milk, went through the confinement and we named her. Prettiest name I've heard.....
Our Prime Minister has announced Movement Control Order on March 16th, 2020 effective 18th-31st of March, 2020. I don't mind nor want to comment further on the priceless, ruthless reactions from the Malaysians nationwide, it's none of my business Interestingly, I look forward to working from home as I have been working hard, coming home late, I rarely get the chance to self-care...
This is Seff's 3rd time being admitted to a hospital, one of them is : HERE. Poor my baby but already discharged now, obviously Recently, while I just got back from Kelantan and Seff has been extremely healthy for months (although his peers from the same childcare centre is seen to have runny nose with discharge and all, Seff stands strong, seems unaffected...
My search for the perfect stroller has been extensive, exhausting and probably too long! Since Seff outgrowns Doona quite a long time ago (13kg max), we are in serious search of another new stroller with below criteria : 1. Support more than 15kg toddler (Seff is 14kg at this date of writing) 2. Fold with seat attached 3. Large tires (small tires is...
Since Jan 2018, I have been searching for the best Egg Benedict all over the places, I can consider this to be among my favourite dishes (and I have a lot to love!) I have tried Dotty's, and failed This time, Jibby & Co, also did NOT match my taste at all Note : What makes a good Egg Benedict to me is...