Everyone wants me to frame this.. hehehe My recent interest is to google messy play ideas for a toddler, that I saved up for the weekend to spend with Seff. He is doing well in motor skill, sketching and all, but probably has some delay in communication. I took an advice during a visit to Seff's favourite indoor playground, Carrot Patch Playhouse in...
I still think I spend more on my kiddo than myself, but there are year end sale that is most awaited -starting from Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc Note : I bought a CRS / carseat for Seff during Black Friday hehehe so yeah the kiddo wins everytimeeee What I got for myself : 1. Bokitta TAJ Not a sale item, I bought...
I know I have been purchasing too many new brand now >.< I know I am weak, that I was easily influenced by those I LIKE, but at the same time, to be honest, it's not easy to make me fancy someone. Although really happy with my ARCONA and SK-II, I would really love trying the Ordinary too, since everyone is also raving about...
On January 1st every year, we will celebrate my mom's birthday at various locations. My mom has went through a lot, even more so last year, although we do celebrate mom's birthday at home beautifully, it was later that night, that my late stepdad was rushed to the ER I wish to be wise like my mom, not wishing I want to be...
I suddenly got too excited buying new products from another brand, although I am definitely loyal to SK-II and ARCONA, and sometimes, Kate Somerville It's really hard for me to change brand actually, because I had tried a lot of other brands : Clinique, Estee Lauder etc, until I found SK-II that is extremely good, due to the fact that the Genoptics Aura...
This post is compulsory every year, just to make sure I have the right goals and my mind all set Among my last year's resolution are : to eat healthy, to travel with Seff and to take less time on social media, which is the exact same thing I want to do (recycle) this year Me, 7 years ago. I look better than...
I promised my Husband, that this year's birthday could be a small celebration, because we already went big with Euseff's Aqiqah, but I still booked last year's indoor playgroud / event space because we were truly happy with it. Refer : Euseff's First Birthday Note : I kinda broke the initial promise to do it small, right? But here is the thing, a...