
Messy Play Activity for a Toddler : Edible/Taste-Safe Paint & Cloud Dough

Euseff 11:44 AM
Everyone wants me to frame this.. hehehe My recent interest is to google messy play ideas for a toddler, that I saved up for the weekend to spend with Seff. He is doing well in motor skill, sketching and all, but probably has some delay in communication. I took an advice during a visit to Seff's favourite indoor playground, Carrot Patch Playhouse in...

2019 Year End (Cumulative) Haul

Fashion 12:36 AM
I still think I spend more on my kiddo than myself, but there are year end sale that is most awaited -starting from Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc Note : I bought a CRS / carseat for Seff during Black Friday hehehe so yeah the kiddo wins everytimeeee What I got for myself : 1. Bokitta TAJ Not a sale item, I bought...

New Skincare : The Ordinary

Beauty 8:37 PM
I know I have been purchasing too many new brand now >.< I know I am weak, that I was easily influenced by those I LIKE, but at the same time, to be honest, it's not easy to make me fancy someone.  Although really happy with my ARCONA and SK-II, I would really love trying the Ordinary too, since everyone is also raving about...

Mom's Birthday 2020

8:16 PM
On January 1st every year, we will celebrate my mom's birthday at various locations. My mom has went through a lot, even more so last year, although we do celebrate mom's birthday at home beautifully, it was later that night, that my late stepdad was rushed to the ER I wish to be wise like my mom, not wishing I want to be...

New Skincare : The INKEY LIST

Beauty 9:22 PM
I suddenly got too excited buying new products from another brand, although I am definitely loyal to SK-II and ARCONA, and sometimes, Kate Somerville It's really hard for me to change brand actually, because I had tried a lot of other brands : Clinique, Estee Lauder etc, until I found SK-II that is extremely good, due to the fact that the Genoptics Aura...

2020 New Year Resolution

About Me 11:30 AM
This post is compulsory every year, just to make sure I have the right goals and my mind all set Among my last year's resolution are : to eat healthy, to travel with Seff and to take less time on social media, which is the exact same thing I want to do (recycle) this year Me, 7 years ago. I look better than...

Euseff's 2nd Birthday : TWO Wild!

Birthday 12:32 AM
I promised my Husband, that this year's birthday could be a small celebration, because we already went big with Euseff's Aqiqah,  but I still booked last year's indoor playgroud / event space because we were truly happy with it. Refer : Euseff's First Birthday Note : I kinda broke the initial promise to do it small, right? But here is the thing, a...

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