So Seff is officially ONE! (Note : Although the party held on Dec 23rd, he WASN'T BORN on the 23rd hehe) Seff with his Mommy and Babah Refer to my previous post on the Birthday Preparation, I made it clear that I had the event space decorated all by myself (and of course, with my husband's great help 😗) The Space & Decoration...
In January we started our new, exciting chapter -being a parents. In January 2018 I also posted a photo of Seff for the first time in public (my IG). Until the pantang ended.. Since I took a 6-months long unpaid leave, I planned my stay in my mom's and my inlaw's so we started to travel here and there. Seff first hotel experience...
The Venue Playground tried and tested. They have trampoline! We decided to have the party in an indoor playground, near to my parents house. It will be a small party for close family and friends. The budget? RM1000 cheaper from the budget allocated hehehehe *win* The Theme Inspiration 💗💗💗 (Photo taken from : At first I wanted anything that has to do with...
December is officially Seff's birthday month. We were almost ready for his Akikah, almost decided to make it earlier in October, but the plan got delayed -again, due to some issues. My hands got really itchy to spend, as well as very nervous to plan -even for a such a small event. Initially, I wanted it to be at an event space in...
We just celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary -this time with a presence of a baby! Seff has been my husband's dream, and what an easy and cheeky baby he is (quoting my mom's word) Although the initial plan is to have a stay at Royal Belum Resort -unfortunately it wasn't favourable as my husband was rushed to an ER at a private hospital...