
Euseff's 1st Birthday at Jumper's Land : ONE in a Minion

Birthday 8:32 AM
So Seff is officially ONE! (Note : Although the party held on Dec 23rd, he WASN'T BORN on the 23rd hehe) Seff with his Mommy and Babah Refer to my previous post on the Birthday Preparation, I made it clear that I had the event space decorated all by myself (and of course, with my husband's great help 😗) The Space & Decoration...

2018 Memories and Reflections

About Me 3:23 AM
In January we started our new, exciting chapter -being a parents. In January 2018 I also posted a photo of Seff for the first time in public (my IG). Until the pantang ended.. Since I took a 6-months long unpaid leave, I planned my stay in my mom's and my inlaw's so we started to travel here and there. Seff first hotel experience...

Seff's 1st Birthday : the Preparation

Euseff 2:36 PM
The Venue Playground tried and tested. They have trampoline! We decided to have the party in an indoor playground, near to my parents house. It will be a small party for close family and friends. The budget? RM1000 cheaper from the budget allocated hehehehe *win* The Theme Inspiration 💗💗💗  (Photo taken from : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/93590498485051844/) At first I wanted anything that has to do with...

Seff's 1st Birthday : Deciding the Venue @ Event Space

Euseff 12:36 PM
December is officially Seff's birthday month. We were almost ready for his Akikah, almost decided to make it earlier in October, but the plan got delayed -again, due to some issues. My hands got really itchy to spend, as well as very nervous to plan -even for a such a small event. Initially, I wanted it to be at an event space in...

5th Year Wedding Anniversary (Dinner) at Casa del Rio, Malacca

Anniversary 9:51 AM
We just celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary -this time with a presence of a baby! Seff has been my husband's dream, and what an easy and cheeky baby he is (quoting my mom's word) Although the initial plan is to have a stay at Royal Belum Resort -unfortunately it wasn't favourable as my husband was rushed to an ER at a private hospital...

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