Just a week after Mother's Day, comes Teacher's DayWith not so much plan and in just one day, I prepared few things for Euseff to bring to schoolThe 2022 Teacher's Day gift1. Flowers (from MekarMY) : Around lunch time, I told MekarMY I need single stalk rose for Seff's teachers. In just 1 hour, my order was done beautifully! Super thumbs up!2. Tumbler...
2022 Mother's Day is on the weekend of Raya. On Saturday, we attended Raya open house, and was free later that Asar and straightaway went to Sunway Piramid. It was a weekend with good deals, because I went into Sephora with RM50 off (Mother's Day special) and La Senza also ended their member sale so I got myself 4 bras & 5 panties (at super...
Alhamdulillah eventhough it was a surprise Raya! While it is especially me who constantly reminded everyone that we always follow the national calendar for Raya, when it was announced that we were going to have Raya a day earlier, I was speechlessWe are not ready for anything that day -Raya attire still unpacked at home (we were in my in-laws). Husband then went out...
I swear to God, the effort made during this Raya (one we successfully enjoyed today after 2 years not properly celebrated) reaches maximum level! I stayed up on alternating nights (to make sure I wont go burnout or anything) -which is something I never did the previous yearsThis is due to my raya cookies production. Since my mom re-married last year, my mom has...