
A Guide to My Future Children

Motivation 11:56 PM
 What should I write in a letter to my (future) child?Answer, from Google : Tell your child all about your past experiences. Explain what your life was like as a teenager and a young adult. Your child didn't know you at that age, so it's good to give them an insight to what you were like before starting a family. Write about where you lived, your...

Early Learning Toddler/Preschool Busy Book : Juggle Brain vs. Kiddy World (Honest Review)

10:24 PM
 I quite recently bought toddler/preschool busy book : surprisingly both at the same price (RM59) so here is my review: (to hopefully become the product's future improvement)Note : Items are purchased with my own money1. JUGGLE BRAIN (IG : jugglebrain)- It is a folder, of A4 laminated pages inside (husband's first thought on the folder : "ini boleh buat sendiri ni.." erkk- color...

Kitchen Appliances & Kitchen Design

Home 6:35 PM
 When designing the kitchen cabinet, I have to be certain with the spacing/gap, height and placement of water tap, what's next to it, and so on..So yeah, determining the kitchen appliances is very important (like I previously wrote) :KITCHEN APPLIANCES : WISHLISTbefore finalizing the Kitchen Cabinet design HERE(PROSES HIDUP BERSEDERHANA UNTUK MASUK RUMAH BARU 2022) STEP 0 OF 5 : KITCHEN CABINET DESIGN...

Kitchen Appliances : Wishlist

Wishlist 10:03 PM
 When creating a wish list, I kind of setting a budget and working hard toward it. Won't definitely be purchasing all these because right now, we have all the basic important appliances but some I think worth upgrade.1. LG InstaView Door-in-Door RefrigeratorOur first refrigerator is purchased in 2013 and has been to various places, home and states. One tough guy! Although the size...

(Proses Hidup Bersederhana Untuk Masuk Rumah Baru 2022) Step 0 of 5 : Kitchen Cabinet Design (Using IKEA Kitchen Planner)

Home 5:14 PM
One can always dream, yeah? (Inspo from HERE)If all is well, we are going to move to a new place (estimated completion date Q2 2022) but we are also would like to take our own, sweet time. We won't rush into decisions, and will probably learn a lot from our first house.As mentioned way back then in March 2017:What I wrote back then..Our...

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