What's in My Bag : New Normal / Post-MCO (Malaysia's Movement Control Order)

10:46 AM

I have started working since PKPP and went to the office everyday (and outstation on the first day of PKPP!)

We are living in the new normal : stay home, went out (mall, groceries, doctor visits) only when necessary, avoid mass gathering and practice good hygine (wash hands/sanitize frequently, wear mask*)

Note : *wear mask is intended primarily for sick person(s), but due to the Covid-19 recent cases of patients having no symptoms, wearing one to protect ourselves won't hurt anyone..

So here are my current essentials post-MCO :

1. Purse

Same old, same old. My purse holds everything from cash, cards, coins, recent receipts, vouchers, stickers, as well as pin/tool for ejecting micro SD tray/nano sim card holder (use this most when travel overseas, lol)

2. ID & Token

Just some essential items I bring to work

3. Face Mask

I opt for a washable, cloth mask to ensure I am stay as earth-friendly as possible. I have this mask in tie-on (mine), ear loop (for husband) and children size (for Seff) and of high quality! Washed them a few times now, looks like brand new, I love them!

4. Wipes

I bring wipes to ensure I have clean face prior to praying times

5. Makeup (the essentials)

The most important item would be powder/BB cream/tinted moisturizer for mid-day refresh, and lipstick (that can double as cream blusher)

6. Eyedrop

I have dry eyes problem as a result of frequent/long hours of wearing contact lenses, so far this is my favourite eyedrop!

7. Hand Sanitizer

Had this for a while now, bought way before MCO, and was attached to my handbag at all time. This is my 3rd bottle

8. Hand Cream

Very recent purchase, because my hands got extremely dry these days -believed to be due to frequent use of hand sanitizer of unknown brand (in the office, public places, restaurants etc). Was suggested by SephoraMY SA but to be honest, I don't have this in my bag pre-MCO. To prevent further occurrences, I wear gloves when visiting public places now >.< (#sensitiveskinproblems)

9. Pen

I have 1 or 2, of the normal pen at least of 0.7mm point size (1.0mm for signature purposes), although I have custom pen gifted from my Supervisor during the Industrial Training (practical). The thought of losing anyone's gift scares me. Ok, I'll buy my own, engraved pen next

10. Metal straws

I don't recall I use this very often, since I bring my own water bottle. This is mainly for outings with friends, sometimes I have to ditch coffee shop's straws and use my own, reusable straw. Some shops have paper straws, so kudos!

Until next post!

tag : the new normal, new normal life, norma baharu, what's in your bag? pandemic what is in your bag? new normal essentials, face mask jovian, jovian tie on mask, jovian ear loop mask

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