
In Loving Memories : Ruzaili

Motivation 3:01 PM
Just a day after we celebrated my mom's birthday, my (step) dad collapsed and being taken to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). His health is already deteriorating at that time. I remember being the one who noticed his white eyes turned yellow, pretty sure his liver is no longer in good condition. He has been battling with cancer since 2015 On January 10th,...

1st Birthday Gift Guide : Gift Ideas for 1-Year-Olds

Gift Guide 5:11 PM
I have been meaning to write about this, even before Seff's 1st Birthday coming up However I am afraid this might send wrong signals to my friends and family who is attending Seff's Birthday party last year. But to be honest, I secretly hope that Seff will receive either toy or book. But he received more money than toys >.<  Note : Half...

2019 New Year Resolution

About Me 12:14 PM
We are still in January, so I guess it's still legit to share my resolutions in 2019 which are : 1. Eat Healthier I managed to eat healthier in early 2017, and shed some good amount of weight along the process. I started back then in January, so here we are again, January, I shall revisit my old self (apparently strong will) so...

The Ultimate Mom Guide : Where to get the best deals for baby products?

Motherhood 9:21 AM
I am quite a careful shopper (because I tend to save more money for 2 purposes : emergency & leisure) and I dedicated my time during 2.5hour-long lunch break on Friday to browse around stores and compare prices. Or is it only me that I tend to have super awesome memory, that I can easily spot which stores has better deals/price? So this...

Euseff's First Birthday : Cake Smashing

Birthday 9:30 AM
Dear my baby Seff, Words cannot describe just how much you meant to me Just how much you were a surprised, yet so wanted You brings so much colors than a rainbow I love you more and more each day if it's possible You made me feel alive again You made me have goals again You made me have a purpose, have an...

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