The old me vs. The new me
Haha, it is not that I am not proud of who I was, in fact, I am really grateful for all the things I have done, I am very organized during my Uni years, I have neat work and all, and I nailed many work interviews in the past
I realized that I talk less, and speak up only when needed. But always surprised everyone when I knew a lot of things too (I am not a regular mom/woman, I am a cool mom/woman haha)
While I also wanted to educate everyone who is reading this, these are my stand on topics everyone is arguing about :
1. Working Mom vs Non Working Mom
As previously mentioned, I work because I want to be knowledgeable, and be able to apply knowledge wherever needed
That is why I studied -to work in the industry of my choice. If you are a non working mom, fine with me, you have the privilage to do so, so be it. No further question
2. Breast Milk (BM) vs Formula Milk (FM)
The hottest argument ever -although it is clear, that BM over FM always. But different people has different tests, some are blessed with enough BM, some are not
My only advice -BREASTFEEDING, as much & for as long as you can, WITH A HEALTHY, BALANCED DIET.
Mix, if you have less BM. In my own experiences, I definitely have more BM when I am with Elana, compared to Seff. But Seff is also fully-BFed, because I choose/want to
BM definitely got something FM is lacking -antibodies. But without BALANCED DIET, FM got sure, enough/more nutrients for a baby. Therefore when my sister is breastfeeding Seff, I repeatedly told her this : "your (balanced, healthy) meals are now my resposibility" It is that IMPORTANT
3. To Hire a Maid, or not
This one happened recently - when is asked who is taking care of Seff, I answered them that Seff is with my mom
This one senior officer, told me she never got her mom involved in her family matters
"Susah senang, saya memang tak kacau mak saya. Biar saya susah sikit, asalkan anak saya biar saya jaga"
An evil me could've extent the argument, but no
To be honest, I remember my mom said I can take care of Seff when he is older enough
"Ala kesiannya dia kecik lagi, tunggulah dia duduk" // "He's too small, let him sit first"
When he already sit without support,
"Tunggulah dia jalan" // "Let him walk first"
When he is already walking (and handful)
"Tunggulah dia bercakap" // "Let him talk first"
When this privilege (family support, is a gem that I have) might caused people to have jealousy, I choose not to brag about it. I'll let some personal matters be personal
For this particular argument (back to the subtopic No. 3), I choose family support over external help, because I can/was offered the help..
This one happened recently - when is asked who is taking care of Seff, I answered them that Seff is with my mom
This one senior officer, told me she never got her mom involved in her family matters
"Susah senang, saya memang tak kacau mak saya. Biar saya susah sikit, asalkan anak saya biar saya jaga"
An evil me could've extent the argument, but no
To be honest, I remember my mom said I can take care of Seff when he is older enough
"Ala kesiannya dia kecik lagi, tunggulah dia duduk" // "He's too small, let him sit first"
When he already sit without support,
"Tunggulah dia jalan" // "Let him walk first"
When he is already walking (and handful)
"Tunggulah dia bercakap" // "Let him talk first"
When this privilege (family support, is a gem that I have) might caused people to have jealousy, I choose not to brag about it. I'll let some personal matters be personal
For this particular argument (back to the subtopic No. 3), I choose family support over external help, because I can/was offered the help..
Until next post!