
My Stand of Being a Working Mom, Breastfeeding & Family Support

About Me 11:32 AM
The old me vs. The new me Haha, it is not that I am not proud of who I was, in fact, I am really grateful for all the things I have done, I am very organized during my Uni years, I have neat work and all, and I nailed many work interviews in the past I realized that I talk less, and...

2019 Eidulfitri

Festive 7:26 AM
It is never too late to wish everyone.. SALAM AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN since all June is still Syawal month. Alhamdulillah, we get to celebrate this Eid with Seff (his 2nd year), and hopefully we made progress on the photo (I want to see how he changes through the years) Look less chubby, okay.. cannot wait for next year! Preparation for Eid...

LUSH MALAYSIA : Naked Skincare Reviews

Beauty 10:52 PM
Note : Honest review, all opinions are my own Going towards zero waste, I recently added Lush MY Products to my skincare routine. Labelled Naked Skincare, they are all free from the usual plastic packaging. While love the idea of free packaging, I am mostly interested to experience the use and probably share results Items that I bought are : 1. 7 to...

Iftar at Ibis Hotel, Melaka

Malaysia 12:16 AM
Before Ramadhan comes to an end, it is kinda a tradition that our family had a buka puasa buffet while trying out random, new places. I believe that Ibis Hotel is kinda new (or recently upgraded/newly acquired/change management, i am not so sure), but the place is obviously clean. We arrived at 6pm while Seff already asleep from the car ride (not waking...

Mother's Day Gift : Rose Gold Package

Beauty 11:51 PM
My gift hamper My 4th year being a mom (to Elana), I guess time really flies.. Although still far from being a supermom, I thought I am calm, cool and naturally let the moments pass by. I do not have super high expectations in terms of Seff's milestone, because as cliche as it sounds, yeah, every child grows differently Anyway, every year, I...

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