
Turning Weakness To an Advantage

About Me 11:10 PM
I have a fun fact about me : I don't drink coffee THE HISTORY : ME & 1/2 CUP OF COFFEE It is not that I am allergic or anything, it's just.. I'd stay awake for about 48 hours if I drink one. Hehe. My first coffee experience is with my then housemate, Iliyana. We were 18 years old (yep, had my first...

Why is LGBT not allowed in Islam?

Motivation 9:44 AM
I wrote about Project Nightfall talking nonsense : HERE I am no religious person, let alone want to answer difficult questions about the law itself, but my logic switch (aka the Brain) has something to offer - more question(s) Perplexed, isn't it? Question No. 1, probably from all of you : why did Islam against LGBT? Isn't it a religion of peace, so...

Going Green, Natural and Less Waste

About Me 4:53 PM
Although fashionably late, I am interested to be in the run to save our planet by going green, natural and less waste. Although I was never, and will never be obsessed with just about everything, I wanted to take my own, baby steps to finally be a better person one day I believe that: small steps are better than none So here are...

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