January 2024 Recap

8:48 PM

To recap, January 2024 was a busy and eventful month for me! Here's a recap of the activities:

1.    Rent Out My Property 

Finally rent out my property, although through careful screening, I cannot seem to find the perfect candidate, but let’s hope all is well.. Celebrated the success with a yummy lunch. I really like this restaurant (will probably made separate post for the list of restaurants visited in 2024)

2.    Euseff's Late Birthday Celebration @ Pre-School 

When his pre-school announced they are closing at the final week of December (which is Seff’s birthday), I know I have to delay the celebration at suitable time. Told the teachers that it might be happening in early January and I did it! Stretched the official birthday celebration’s goodie bag to teachers, and made another goodie bags for his friends.

3.    Attending Weddings/Events/Quick Lunch Date

Whenever I can, I’m sure I’ll make time for weddings/events/meet-ups despite busy work schedules.

4.    Work/Life Balance

Although I am newly back to new office, my portfolio totally changed from taking care of state Malacca, Perak, Kedah and Perlis -> to WPKL and Selangor! Thus I have to speedboat-ing (if it’s not a made up word) to all the various projects across WPKL especially the PULAPOL project.

I am still enjoying swimming sessions with Euseff on days he finishes school early or when the weather is good.

5.    Parent Briefing for Year 1 Students 2024/2025 

Attending my first parent briefing session for my child's upcoming school year is surreal! This is the only time I believe when people said time flies – I cannot believe Euseff is starting standard 1 soon! My son is a big boy now.. OMG the struggle, the challenges and all rushed back to my mind.

Probably because of preparing Euseff for Standard 1, marked a milestone with Euseff's first haircut at a barber shop! Previously we only trimmed his hair to a certain appropriate length.. teehee

6.    Hi-Tea Puspanita BPME 

Attended a high-tea event with Puspanita BPME, looooove this pink & white theme!


In summary, January 2024 is a memorable month filled with celebrations, work engagements, and family moments. Lets wait for what February has to offer! 

Until next post!

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