
Seff's 4th Birthday : the Party Favors

Euseff 4:55 PM
As mentioned in PREVIOUS post, the party favors will be a toy story theme, simple bag (pouch?) with dry items & desserts (baked donuts). Purchased the dry items (Toy Story coloring papers + Crayola) first, placed order for baked donuts and the waiting game began.. I am nervous but it all paid off!Nervous because of trusting others' work (since I like doing all things...

Seff's 4th Birthday : the Preparation

Euseff 12:05 PM
 We are only 1 week away from Euseff's 4th Birthday and the preparations must all be finalized!Let's hope we are all healthy, and the celebrations (at home & taska) will be smooth sailing..The theme chosen this year is Toy StoryThe preparations including :1. Birthday CakeI have been eye-ing on this 1 baker who did her cakes beautifully (but rather expensive), but then around...

Welcome to our Family, Abah!

6:52 PM
 On 30th October 2021, my mom is officially married and we are all now blended!I fully supported the decision so that mom wouldn't be alone -companionship is what one is seeking at this life stage.. (while the children left house, established a work-life balance on their own)Anyway, congratulations to my mom and welcome to our family, Abah! May you both be healthy, live happily...

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