As mentioned in PREVIOUS post, the party favors will be a toy story theme, simple bag (pouch?) with dry items & desserts (baked donuts). Purchased the dry items (Toy Story coloring papers + Crayola) first, placed order for baked donuts and the waiting game began.. I am nervous but it all paid off!Nervous because of trusting others' work (since I like doing all things...
We are only 1 week away from Euseff's 4th Birthday and the preparations must all be finalized!Let's hope we are all healthy, and the celebrations (at home & taska) will be smooth sailing..The theme chosen this year is Toy StoryThe preparations including :1. Birthday CakeI have been eye-ing on this 1 baker who did her cakes beautifully (but rather expensive), but then around...
On 30th October 2021, my mom is officially married and we are all now blended!I fully supported the decision so that mom wouldn't be alone -companionship is what one is seeking at this life stage.. (while the children left house, established a work-life balance on their own)Anyway, congratulations to my mom and welcome to our family, Abah! May you both be healthy, live happily...