
Seff's Play Area (in Main Living Hall & Master Bedroom)

Euseff 9:06 AM
When MCO started, we feel the need to properly allocate Seff's play area (he previously, randomly play in front of the TV bench). This designation area serves well as he knows where to go/reach for toys. We finally realized how much toys he has!The downstairs has more toys since we spent time downstairs from breakfast to dinner. Upstairs is a calmer area -where...

2020 Eidulfitri

Festive 8:23 PM
We celebrated the 2020 Eid totally different, like never before, away from our family. As a small family of three, our preparation is considered minimal and small  The Raya Studio PhotoshootWhen Seff is born, we made promise of going to the studio to have our proper photo (cuz we need help badly, with the posing direction and all) taken every Eid, hoping this will...

Chai Latte & Recipe

Cooking & Tips 6:36 AM
A cup of happiness : My Chai Latte Since I am not a coffee lover, I develop love for tea. I had tea everyday, and usually it will be Teh Tarik (Milk Tea), but sometimes I also had Matcha latte, or simply drink milk (in carton or powder form/formula kind) When in Australia, I think I never missed having Chai Latte. Almost everyday,...

My 32nd Birthday at Home During the Movement Control Order (MCO)

Birthday 4:32 PM
My birthday falls on the very beginning of MCO (Phase 1). For future reference and just to make sure I'll remember this rare event, Malaysia's Movement Control Order (MCO) history are as follows : PKP Phase 1 : 18/3/2020 - 31/3/2020 PKP Phase 2 : 1/4/2020 - 14/4/2020 PKP Phase 3 : 15/4/2020 - 28/4/2020 PKP Phase 4 & PKPB : 29/4/2020 -...

My Egg Benedict & Hollandaise Sauce

Cooking & Tips 9:43 AM
Many people knows I love cooking. I rarely eat out, except on special occasions (just for the sake of trying out new places, new items on the menu). When I do (eat out), I potentially establishing a baseline for my palate. To be honest, I love recreating the things I eat out at home! With better and premium ingredients, because that is extremely...

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