I think shopping has always been about him. Every trip to the mall is another baby haul. But there are things I love, repurchased and so happy with them *honest review, bought them all with my own money* Baby haul done The products brought home and there are moreee than just these (esp for his weaning journey prep) Things I love and repurchased...
*In Malay, because its a national news* Rata-rata mula beri komen ttg adik Adam Rayqal yang asalnya dilaporkan diculik, kemudiannya dijumpai telah meninggal dunia disimpan di dalam peti ais rumah pengasuh Innalillahi wainna ilaihirojiun.. Salam takziah untuk ibu dan ayah Adam. Beratnya dugaan seorang ibu.. Tak sabar nak dengar statement pengasuh. Sbb kita Malaysian secara generalnya suka ASSUME, menghukum dengan senang. Asbab kematian...
I think I am a minimalism when it comes to baby toys hehe. Although pricey, I don't buy it often and I might be wrong about this On the contrary, I always talk to him since birth (mom said I am good at this!), I play hand clapping (Sep sep sep, tom tom tom) with him until he laughed hard "terkekek-kekek" and there's...