Scrolling through my old photos, I smile because I made quite a few achievements, memories, circle of friends (beautiful, intelligent friends) who is now mostly successful being consultants/engineers.
To me :
College is the time for some attitude grooming
Industrial training/internship is the time when you made some contact with the people in the industry, met awesome people to be your referals
FYI, I graduated with Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering in Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN).
Would I recommend UNITEN to anyone? Not really -mainly because of their cost. Every year, they keep increasing their fees, charging students electricity bills (if you stay in their hostel) which is really ridiculous
I believe no matter where you studies -if you do it right you'll be fine
My deepest gratitude goes to my MOM, for providing me enough throughout my studies and cannot wait to always make you proud.
Also to my sponsor -which without, Id be nothing like what I am today.
Here, let me belanja (feed) you guys some photos from my Convocation ceremony held in 2012
My backbone, my mom (blur photo captured by Uncle =.=)
We ended the ceremony with a dinner with my family
My greatest achievement : GPA 4.00 with pending FYP marks
Note : my Sponsor was the JPA, but those were the days when lousy system happened
While scrolling through old albums, I also found these. I was being selected for the Best Final Year Project (FYP) through the Mechanical Engineering Invention and Innovation Competition Award
The candidates
Ok, I shall achieve something in work after this *hungry mode on*
Last note : True, without Education, one can always find success through hard work, creativity, etc. But I can assure you, if you excel in studies, success is definitely yours
Knowledge is Power