2019 New Year Resolution

12:14 PM

We are still in January, so I guess it's still legit to share my resolutions in 2019 which are :

1. Eat Healthier

I managed to eat healthier in early 2017, and shed some good amount of weight along the process. I started back then in January, so here we are again, January, I shall revisit my old self (apparently strong will) so we'll see. Previously I still indulged in fast food once a week, so I am nobody to be referred to in weight loss or anything, okay?

2. To Travel with Seff

Seff has started traveling across the country (local) as early as 2 months old, hehe. But to step up the game I will try to bring him abroad just to have the experiences, and learn more. In the mean time, I am quite content with work, with some issues at work (probably with people, not the work, haha fyi), so I don't think my applications of going overseas will be approved. Sigh. Frustrated, but well, that's life. I would not talk more about it since it will be bashing and bitching and that is not very nice thing to do hehe

P.s. Not to worry, the "person" is hated by everyone too

3. To Take Less Time on Social Media

I don't know where to start, but the thing about social media is really unhealthy. I entered few contests, winning them, and gained some followers -it was natural. And then I started to feel like I need real deal, real people and real connection, so I clean up my followers from around thousand to hundred. 

Over the time, I do the "cleaning" again, this time it was my friends who haven't even say hello to me for a while, do not even like my photos. I made an announcement too, saying I need to remove friends who did not like my photo(s) for a long time, almost to me it looks like he/she is hating my contents. Plus, I am going to give birth so my IG will be flooded with baby photos I believe. So, knowing that someone did not like me/my content disturbs me at that time

And finally, I made my IG account PUBLIC again. This time, I removed all the contents, leaving behind travel photos and some photos worth sharing. Nothing too personal, I believe

I use to follow so many people and I now need to stop. I started unfollow influencers that is promoting the same product over and over again, I see no honesty in that. This was last year. And then I started to spend more time watching Youtube, so I have some favourite Youtubers on my list. This year, it got so bored that everyone is started their own Youtube channel -so I stop watching them entirely. Seriously, guys?

To take less time on social media means I'd probably take up a new hobby, or anything. Will update about it in 6 months ++

Just like every year, I limit myself with only 3 resolutions, so that is all

Until next post!

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