Morning Routine with Seff
10:06 AM
My morning routine has completely changed since Seff arrival
This journey is new, it might be different than everybody else but its my story..
Morning routine is the most predictable, well-arranged one -and it starts at around 6 am
6 am : Wake up, change diapers, feeding session
7 am : When Seff falls asleep, mommy get to shower in the morning and prepare for Seff bath
8 am : Seff's bath time, change to new clothes and have some grooming session, temperature measurement & health check
9 am : Feeding session, put to sleep, mommy had breakfast
10 am : Mommy get to do laundry / other house chores
By the time afternoon hits, every house chores are done and there will be diaper changings & feedings in between his afternoon nap/sleep
Around 1pm, Seff usually awake between feeding so I use that time for tummy time and playing session
P.s. for now there are only baby gym and rattles only
Seff has been an easy baby in general, as told by my mom, in comparison with her other cucu. I can do the laundry, fold clothes all before 5pm because he has been sleeping soundly
FYI, since my delivery until now, I didnt do the cooking and my mom has been a great help. I will be staying with my mom until Seff is 6 months old, and I hope I'd be able to be in the kitchen more soon
.. as for my sleep, I think I got enough everyday (6hrs at least) to make it through the day
P.s. I don't sleep during the day, but I go to bed as early as 8, 9pm
Below are the preparations made on daily basis, or my favourites routine/baby items worth mentioning :
The bath setup for Seff
My favourite baby skincare will be Mustela Gentle Cleansing Gel -nicely scent with the best ingredients. So far Seff has no skin issues too
The grooming essentials
The items I used most are : (importance in order)
1. Thermometer (Tommee Tippee). I also have an ear thermometer but Paeds told me this type is more accurate
2. Nail clipper (Tommee Tippee). Must trim biweekly
3. Hair brush (Tommee Tippee). On daily basis, of course
4. Cotton balls (Mothercare Malaysia). To clean eyelids, ears etc
5. Cotton bud (Snapkis)
6. Nasal aspirator
Another favourites/essentials of mine are :
1. BAMBO Nature wipes
2. EUKY BEAR Eucalyptus Spray & Hand Sanitizer
3. DETTOL hand sanitizer
4. Lucas PawPaw ointment
5. Mustela Baby Oil & Vitamin Barrier Cream
6. Buds Anti-bac Toy and Surface Cleaner
My most used items from the above are actually the wipes (of courseee), hand sanitizer and Eucalyptus Spray (Euky Bear) -which I use/spray near Seff crib at the living hall where he shares the space with everyone in the family
P.s. Seff sleeps upstairs (master bedroom), and we also placed a cot downstairs in the common area (living hall)
The diaper changing setup. We have another changing set downstairs. Been using BAMBO Nature diapers and wipes
My mom was also impressed with the Tommee Tippee Sangenic -she told me she tried the usual pail (with lids, those u pressed open using feet one) and they (used diapers) still stink
P.s. Those were one of the unnecessary purchases; just because we already have so much unused items that was meant for Elana!
Tommee Tippee Sangenic
Cant wait to another new day, another new things learnt!
Till then!
Below are the preparations made on daily basis, or my favourites routine/baby items worth mentioning :
The bath setup for Seff
The grooming essentials
The items I used most are : (importance in order)
1. Thermometer (Tommee Tippee). I also have an ear thermometer but Paeds told me this type is more accurate
2. Nail clipper (Tommee Tippee). Must trim biweekly
3. Hair brush (Tommee Tippee). On daily basis, of course
4. Cotton balls (Mothercare Malaysia). To clean eyelids, ears etc
5. Cotton bud (Snapkis)
6. Nasal aspirator
Another favourites/essentials
Another favourites/essentials of mine are :
1. BAMBO Nature wipes
2. EUKY BEAR Eucalyptus Spray & Hand Sanitizer
3. DETTOL hand sanitizer
4. Lucas PawPaw ointment
5. Mustela Baby Oil & Vitamin Barrier Cream
6. Buds Anti-bac Toy and Surface Cleaner
My most used items from the above are actually the wipes (of courseee), hand sanitizer and Eucalyptus Spray (Euky Bear) -which I use/spray near Seff crib at the living hall where he shares the space with everyone in the family
P.s. Seff sleeps upstairs (master bedroom), and we also placed a cot downstairs in the common area (living hall)
I bought changing table but havent use them to do the changing (personal preferences). Instead, I place the changing mat (IKEA) on a bench (old stuff) so close to our bed to make changing diaper (especially at nights) easy peasy
Since the diaper pail is so close to our bed -the Tommee Tippee Sangenic diaper pail helps a lot!
Tommee Tippee Sangenic
Till then!