Chai Latte & Recipe

6:36 AM

A cup of happiness : My Chai Latte

Since I am not a coffee lover, I develop love for tea. I had tea everyday, and usually it will be Teh Tarik (Milk Tea), but sometimes I also had Matcha latte, or simply drink milk (in carton or powder form/formula kind)

When in Australia, I think I never missed having Chai Latte. Almost everyday, during our trip to Twelve Apostles, at the Puffing Train Billy's station, at Rashay's in Sydney.. I had it all day everyday if I can! Also, the taste varies from one place to another..

I like that is has sweetness, but refreshing. Although there is ginger, I hate ginger tea (the typical mamak usually made them from ginger powder, too much!), in Chai Latte the ginger taste is almost non-existent

Spices is readily available in our household, the spices used in Chai Latte is extremely cheap and readily available in Malaysia, thus this sparks the need to make my own cup, pronto, no excuses. Definitely easy, even a kid could make..

My rack spices (old photo and arrangement)

The very common spices we all (Malay ladies) have at home : the same spices to cook our soup, curry, masak kicap, etc

Not considering this a "cooking", here's how you can make your own cup at home :
(Note : Yield 2 cups)
2 cinnamon sticks
5 whole cloves
3 cardamom pods
1-inch ginger, smashed
1 tbsp of loose black tea

Instructions :
1. Bring the spices to boil and then simmer. Spices now smell lovely
2. Remove from heat, I now add the ginger and black tea. Let sit
(I usually let my teabags when making milk tea too, so this has become a routine -to wait)
3. Pour the content to a cup/glass, filter the contents
4. I'll now add in honey to the tea (can also use normal/brown sugar of choice)
5. I usually froth my milk using milk frother
(bought in 2014, in Daiso for RM5 no GST in 2014)
6. Pour milk over the tea in cup/glass, stir
7. Sprinkles with cinnamon powder

Simple ingredients, simple delicious

Tried and Tested with 3 types of milk : Full Cream, Almond and Soy

My comments on the type of milk for my Chai Latte :
Full Cream : best pair, easily turned to foam, matches well with Chai
Almond : weird taste when pair with Chai, won't turn to foam, I'll drink this alone, straight up from the box.. (Note : there's also "barista" type of Almond Milk, this is not it)
Soy : Better than almond, foam well but still weird to me (pairing nut with herbs)

What I really love about making my own drink at home is : I got the full control of my type of sugar and milk. In cafes, they are all extra $$. But in cafe like Dottys, although menu says they have soy options, in real life, we couldn't get it! I mean, soy milk is extremely cheap, fill in your pantry with even 1 box of 0.5L (0.46 USD) won't hurt. Pity my friend who takes no dairy..

So, will you make one at home? As for Matcha Latte, I typically but their powder form, and just add hot water, whisk it and add sugar/honey and milk. Matcha powder is rather expensive, and of deep taste. Of course I prefer Chai Latte..

Until next post!

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